Where can I buy Firechief® products from?

There are multiple ways to purchase Firechief® products

At Firechief®, we have two distinct ranges of products which are available through different distribution channels. 

Our Firechief® Professional range is aimed towards fire industry professionals and specifiers and is not supplied to the end user. This is because the products and equipment we supply require a trained person to install them.

These products can be viewed in our catalogue and on our website and can be ordered by contacting our sales team. You can get in touch with them by calling 0330 999 0019 or emailing sales@firechiefglobal.com. 

The Firechief® Home & Leisure range is specifically designed for end users to give peace of mind and keep their family, property, and possessions safe. This range is available to anyone to purchase from our approved retail partners, including: 

  • B&Q
  • Amazon
  • Toolstation
  • Screwfix

If you need guidance on the range or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team!